Тема: Важливі винаходи. Телефон. Мобільний зв’язок.
Мета: Активізувати ЛО теми, тренувати у їх вживанні у мовленні; повторювати вживання
пасивного стану дієслів; вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, аудіювання, читання,
письма; знайомити з історією винайдення телефону та мобільного зв’язку, повторювати
назви винаходів, розширювати знання учнів;
розвивати навички критичного мислення, увагу, вміння працювати з підручником;
виховувати цікавість до науки, пізнавальний інтерес, цікавість до вивчення англійської мови.
Тип уроку: комбінований
Обладнання: ілюстрації, картки, підручник.
Хід уроку
І. Оргмомент.
1. Привітання
2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку
- Today we continue speaking about science and technologies, inventions and devices. So, today we’ll speak about one of the devices, which is useful and very popular now. So you should guess the riddle:
It doesn’t ask a question, but it needs an answer.
- What is it? (ілюстрація) The answer, of course, A TELEPHONE. So, the theme of our lesson is telephone and mobile connection. We don’t imagine our lives without a phone. At today’s lesson you’ll know about the history of the phone and learn some interesting facts. Also you’ll have a chance to improve your English.
3. Розминка
a) But first let’s remember some also important inventions.
(малюнки із зображеннями винаходів)
a car, a telephone, a computer, a refrigerator, a radio, a light bulb, a mobile phone, the Internet, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave stove, a washing machine, an electric kettle
b) One hundred years ago did people… (1917)
Drive cars?
Ride bicycles?
Watch TV?
Take photographs?
Travel by train?
Make telephone calls?
Use typewriters?
Listen to records?
Travel by plane?
Wear jeans?
Write with ball-point pen?
Use computers?
Fly by hot-air balloons?
Use compact discs?
Fly by helicopters?
ІІ. Основна частина.
1. Усне мовлення
- Let’s speak about the importance of some inventions. Take your cards.
Finish the sentences explaining why this or that device is useful.
Use the example: I think that fridge is useful because it keeps our food fresh and eatable.
a light bulb
to give light
a telephone
to communicate with people
a computer
to get different kinds of information
a washing machine
to keep our clothes clean
a car
to get somewhere as quickly as possible
a microwave stove
to prepare our food very quickly
a vacuum cleaner
to keep our flats and houses clean
an electric kettle
to hit water very quickly without fire
a radio
to listen to news, music, etc. not only at home but while travelling somewhere
a mobile phone
to communicate with people without wires being at any place
the Internet
to get different kinds of information, to communicate with people
2. Перевірка домашнього завдання. Ex.3 p.85
- But we all know, that all these things couldn’t be discovered without science and researches. So let’s speak about this. Let’s check your hometask.
3. Аудіювання Ex. 1(a) p. 87
- pre-listening (завдання перед аудіюванням)
- So, with the help of one of the prominent people we have phones now. Let’s listen the story of the invention of the telephone. Be ready to do some tasks.
- listening (аудіювання)
- listening comprehension (перевірка розуміння)
- Let’s check up how did you understand the text.
Are these statements true or false?
- Telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1875. (+)
- He was born in Poland. (-)
3. His work was financed by the father of one of his pupils. (+)
4. The first exchange which connected 21 people was opened in 1878. (+)
5. The first communication satellite was launched in 1980. (-)
4. Читання
- pre-reading (завдання перед читанням)
- reading (читання)
- Now let’s read the poem. Be ready to say what it is about.
Bare necessities
There is little I need to survive
Some air, some fire, some water, too,
Four walls, a roof, a kitchen and a loo (туалет),
Some friends, so I don't feel alone,
And my mobile phone.
Some clothes, especially my jeans,
Bacon and tins of Heinz baked beans,
Mars, Snickers and Tobleron
And my mobile phone.
My fridge, my freezer and my TV,
And digital camera and DVD,
And the cool gear (прикольна передача) that I've outgrown,
And my mobile phone.
And Adidas, Nike and satellite dish,
A friend, and love, and meat, and fish,
And make-up, and perfume, and cars, that go fast,
And hope that the future will be better than the past,
and my Beatles CDs and my Pearl Jam Live.
But if it was necessary, to survive
I'd give up everything I own
But my mobile phone.
- reading comprehension (завдання після читання)
- So, what is the main idea of the text?
- Do you think mobile phone is the most important in the life of the author?
5. Усне мовлення
1) Which objects (inventions) can’t you live without? Why?
2) Are you mad about your mobile phone?
3) How often do you use it?
4) What can you do with your phone?
5) Are you fond of taking selfie?
6. Письмо
- When we speak about inventions we often use Passive Voice structures. Let’s revise the formation of Passive Voice.
- So, let’s do an exercise.
Write using the Past Passive of the verbs in brackets. (для слабших учнів)
1/ The first telephone (invent) … by Alexander Bell.
2/ The first plastic (make) … in 1855 in England.
3/ Penicillin (discover) … by Alexander Fleming.
4/ The first accurate clock (invent)… by Christian Huygens.
5/ The helicopter (invent)… by Ihor Ivanovych Sicorsky in 1939.
6/ The dishwasher (design) …by Mrs W.A.Cockran.
7/ The first telegraph (invent) … by Edison.
Rewrite the sentences into Active Voice (для сильніших учнів)
ІІІ. Заключна частина
1. Домашнє завдання
- Your hometask is to write a short composition about the role of the phone in your life.
2. Підведення підсумків уроку