The Oldest word in English Language is “Town”. You may have been thinking of more old word used in Old English which are now abandoned. but believe me this word is hell old than any other word in English.
There are Three era’s of English in which English as a language progressed differently and in different cultures. i.e
There is a word “Ough” which can be written and pronounced in 9 different ways. Weird na? . Lets read this sentence below and then tell us isnt that fact a true one.
Not Even in United States , English now has become the most spoken and official language of other countries too. There are millions of people around the globe who are English Speakers apart from being native Americans. the fact goes like this that more than 250 million People in US only have English as their primary language.
There have been many arguments regarding the fact that which is the longest sensible and meaningful word in English . But now Oxford Modern English has stated “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis” to be the longest word which is 45 Characters long . And its plural is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokonioses which is the longest plural word.
A most common fact is that there is a sentence you can type again and again on QWERTY keyboard in order to master in typing . The sentence is
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”
In English some words only exist in the plural forms, and amazingly some dont end up getting s to be plural. Lets check out. Glasses , binoculars, tongs , shears etc are used only as plural words. Pant is a single word and its plural is also pant not pants. :p
The word ” GoodBye” came and derived from the word ” GodBye” used in Old English which used to meant that “God be with you”.
The most interesting thing is that in Illinois , speaking the official English most people speak is a crime under their law. They are asked to speak “American” language. Amazed.
And the last and the best thing about this language is that English has the most vocabulary and it contains more than 1 million terms which can be utilized but according to a survey, we only speak 6,000-8,000 of all these terms at the time. Thus we can conclude the vast approach and incredibility of the English Language and can easily analyze thus that why is English the most popular language on the planet we are living.