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Lesson "Meals. Recipes. British food."
[ Викачати з сервера (62.5 Kb) ] 07.11.2015, 17:39


відкритого уроку

з англійської мови

«Харчування. Рецепти.

Британська їжа.»

6-А клас

Вчитель: Ярошенко І.О.

Тема: Харчування. Рецепти. Британська їжа.

Мета: Активізувати вивчені ЛО по темі, вчити вживати їх у мовленні,

         формувати навички роботи з текстом, усного мовлення, письма,


         розширювати знання учнів про традиційні страви Британської кухні;

         розвивати увагу, уяву, мислення, пам’ять;

         виховувати пізнавальний інтерес, цікавість до вивчення англійської

         мови та британських традицій.

Тип уроку: комбінований.


Хід уроку

І. Оргмомент

1. Привітання

- Good morning, dear pupils!

- Sit down, please.

2. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку.

-  Today we are going to speak about British food. It should be admitted that food in Britain has had a bad reputation abroad for a very long time.

ІІ. Основна частина.

  1. Мовленнєва розминка

- Visitors from foreign countries complain about the meals they order in restaurants and cafes. But there seems to be a great interest in cooking among people in Britain. You know that in every country there is traditional food. English people also have traditional food and I think you know it. Now please look at the blackboard. Here are some combinations. Try to find the pairs: Key: bacon and eggs; bread and butter; hamburger and French fries; fish and chips; cake and jelly.

bacon and 

French  fries

bread and  


hamburger and  


fish and  


cake and  


  • Very good. I see you know much about English food. Let’s speak about it.

2. Повідомлення учнів

-  Do you know that the British now spend less of their income on food than they did some years ago. The richest families spend more on fruit and vegetables that have a short season, and on meat, fresh fish and cheese. These foods are expensive. Cheaper foods include white bread, potatoes and sugar. Bread has always been a basic food.

- Let’s listen to our pupils about traditional British food.

P1, P2...

Запитання після слухання.


- Let’s read about some specialities of British food.

Do you know that the traditional cooked breakfast has been disappearing from the homes and hotels of Britain. 20 years ago half the population ate cooked breakfast every day. Now less than 20% do so. Some people have for their breakfast a bowl of cereal with milk. It Scotland, particularly, they eat porridge (cooked oatmeal); it’s a tradition warm beginning of the day. Do you know anything about the breakfast?

Traditional English breakfast – a cooked breakfast consisting of fried eggs and bacon rashers, served with mushrooms, tomatoes, sausages, kidneys and fried bread. This is followed by toast and marmalade – with a large pot of tea from start to finish.

More and more people buy food from ‘take – away’ and eat it at home. This is quicker than cooking a meal and cheaper than eating at a restaurant. The most common take – away foods in Britain are fish and chips, hamburgers and Chinese food.

(Підручник, ст. 64)

Завдання після читання.

- How many meals do the English usually take?

(The English usually take four meals.)

- What are they?

(They are: breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner or supper.)

- What do they eat for breakfast?

( For breakfast they eat porridge fish or bacon and eggs, some bread or toast with marmalade or jam. They drink tea or coffee.)

4. Робота в групах

-  I know that people in Britain like all sorts of cakes and pies. And now guess some names of traditional British pies. (Учням роздано картки з пропущеними словами, вони повинні вставити їх і прочитати опис пирога, знайшовши відповідний малюнок і повісивши його на дошку)

Apple pie – a traditional English pie, made with apples, sugar and cinneamon, usually eaten with custard.

Banbury cake – a spiced flat cake made with dried fruits and currents, usually oval in shape.

Christmas pie – a small pie eaten at Christmas usually a mince pie. The filling of a mince pie is called ‘mince – meat’. It is a mixture of currents, raisins, sugar, suet, apples, almonds, candies peel, spices (and sometimes even meat chopped small), all soaked in lemon juice and brandy.

Oatcake – a thin cake made of oatmeal. English miners in winter preferred oatcakes to wheaten bread, because oatmeal is more nutritious than wheaten flour.

Scone – a large round cake made of barley meal or oatmeal or wheat flour baked on a griddle. There are many varieties of scones: soda, butter, treacle scones, brown scones made of wholemeal etc.

Shepherd’s pie – a pie consisting of chopped meat and onions, covered with a crust of mashed potatoes.

- Let’s name the other dishes.

Irish stew – a dish composed of pieces of mutton, potatoes and onions stewed together. It is cooked very slowly for 3 hours in a pot with a tightly fitting lid. Irish stew should be thick and creamy, not thin and watery.

Custard – a preparation of egg yolks, sugar and milk. It is traditional accompaniment to apple pie and different puddings. It’s very simple to prepare and very tasty.

Irish coffee. It’s black coffer with sugar, Irish whisky and cream. The cream should be flowing on top. This is then drunk through the cream.

Lancashire hot pot. I advise you to prepare it. Mutton, potatoes, onions and kidney and mushrooms cooked in an earthenware pot with a tight fitting cover. Unlike Irish stew, this dish is cooked in an oven.

Toad–in–the –hole – Yorkshire pudding with pork sausages arranged in liquid butter and baked together in a hot oven. With peas, potatoes and gravy, this is a favourite main course for British schoolchildren.

5. Усне мовлення

- And what is your favourite dish?

P1, P2, P3, …

6. Письмо

How to make English tea

- And after all the dishes we want to drink tea. Let’s make English tea. (Групам роздаються розрізані частини, потрібно записати їх у правильному порядку)

1: Fill the kettle with cold water.

2: Boil the water.

3: Warm the pot.

4: Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.

5: Pour hot water into the pot.

6. Enjoy your tea.

7. Домашнє завдання

- Your hometask is to write one of the recipes of British dishes.

ІІІ. Заключна частина.

 Підведення підсумків уроку.

- I think now you know everything about British food. But let’s remember some dishes. Let’s play the game “Traditional café” (учні обирають варіант кафе – Британське, Українське, чи всесвітня кухня. Вчитель називає страви, учні повинні швидко визначити, до чийого кафе належить ця страва)

Varenyky, apple pie, hot-dog, pizza, halushky, Christmas pie, croissants, scone, holubtsi, sushi, pudding, dranyky, Banbury cake, kulish, shchi.




Apple cake/pie – a traditional English _____ cake/pie, made with apples, sugar and cinneamon, usually eaten with custard.

Banbury cake/pie – a spiced flat _______ cake/pie made with dried fruits and currents, usually oval in shape.

Christmas cake/pie – a small ______cake/pie eaten at Christmas, usually a mince _____ cake/pie. The filling of a mince _______cake/pie is called ‘mince – meat’. It is a mixture of currents, raisins, sugar, suet, apples, almonds, candies peel, spices (and sometimes even meat chopped small), all soaked in lemon juice and brandy.

Oat cake/pie – a thin _____cake/pie made of oatmeal. English miners in winter preferred oat cake/pie to wheaten bread, because oatmeal is more nutritious than wheaten flour.

Scone – a large round ______cake/pie made of barley meal or oatmeal or wheat flour baked on a griddle. There are many varieties of scones: soda, butter, treacle scones, brown scones made of wholemeal etc. The Scot make ‘sweetie scones’ with raisins, currents and spicel.

Shepherd’s cake/pie – a ______cake/pie consisting of chopped meat and onions, covered with a crust of mashed potatoes.


Fill the kettle with cold water.

Boil the water.

Warm the pot.

Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.

Pour hot water into the pot.

Enjoy your tea.

Fill the kettle with cold water.

Boil the water.

Warm the pot.

Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.

Pour hot water into the pot.

Enjoy your tea.

Fill the kettle with cold water.

Boil the water.

Warm the pot.

Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.

Pour hot water into the pot.

Enjoy your tea.


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