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07.11.2015, 09:35




з англійської мови

“Around the world”

для учнів 7х класів

Вчитель: Ярошенко І.О.


Тема: Навколо світу (“Around the world”)

Мета: Ознайомити з деякими фактами про Великобританію, США, Канаду, Австралію та Україну,

          формувати навички сприймання та розуміння тексту на слух з опорою (відео та аудіо),        

          розширювати знання учнів про Україну,  її  досягнення, культуру та історію;

          прилучати  учнів до культури країни, мова якої вивчається, шляхом засвоєння нової

          загальноосвітньої інформації; розширювати філологічний кругозір учнів;

      розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, естетичне сприймання дійсності, увагу,

     пам’ять, мислення;

     формувати почуття патріотизму, гордості рідною державою, її мовою, історією, культурою;

     виховувати повагу до культури інших країн, їх мов, традиції та культури.


Хід заходу

Вступне слово

- Good afternoon dear guests! We are glad to see you here! Today we’ll speak about some countries around the world, you’ll know some interesting facts from their history and culture, life and people. It helps you to understand people from these countries, their traditions and language. Also you’ll watch some videos and listen some songs in English and in Ukrainian. So, let’s start! The first country is the motherland of English language and Beatles. It’s Great Britain. Let’s watch video.


Відео “The United Kingdom”


Виступ учнів (Презентація “Around the world”)

Great Britain

The official name for the British flag is Union Jack, while the English flag is called the Flag of St. George, the Scottish is called the Flag of St. Andrew, and the Welsh flag is called the Flag of St. David.


It is the largest island in the European continent and the ninth largest in the world.


Interestingly, with a population of 60 million people, Great Britain is the third most populous island in the world, after Java and Honshû.


Surprisingly, there are more chickens than humans in England.


Britain is the only country in the world that does not have the country’s name on its postage stamps.


The English drink the most tea in the world.

Polo, soccer and Rugby were introduced to the world by the UK.

John Walker invented the matches in 1827. He was British.

The Buckingham Palace has its own police station.

The largest Royal home is the Windsor castle.

To make a billion dollars from writing books has been achieved by JK Rowling.

The Thames has over 200 bridges and tunnels along its course.

The British did not wash under running water.


In Great Britain the police are called bobby.


The United Kingdom is great, but Ukraine is the best!


Пісня The Beatles “Can’t buy me love”


Відео “America


Виступ учнів (Презентація “The USA”)


United States is 3rd most populous country in the world.

The United States is divided into 50 states. The states are all in different shapes and sizes.

The most interesting fact about United States is that there is no official language in the country. English is the most common language used in United States.

Just 2.5 million people  lived in the U.S.A. in 1776.  Today it’s 314 million.


The National bird of the United States is The Bald Eagle.


Rose is the national flower.


Hollywood, America is considered to be the movie capital of the world.

100 acres of Pizza are served in the U.S. every day.


Every second, Americans collectively eat 100 pounds of chocolate.

About 20 million Americans live in mobile homes.


There are more public libraries than McDonald's in the U.S.


60,000 plastic bags are being used in the U.S. every 5 seconds.


The banana is the most popular fruit in the U.S.


There are more TVs in the U.S. than people in the U.K.


There are 2 pets for every 3 people in the U.S.


An average person in the U.S. eats 35 tons of food in a lifetime.

The USA is a reach country, but Ukraine is my Motherland!


Пісня Adele “Skyfall”


Відео “Canada”


Виступ учнів (Презентація “Canada”)


Canada is the second largest country in the world, next only to the Russian Federation.


Name of the country comes from the “Kanata” in the language of the local Indians, the Iroquois, it means – “village”, “settlement”.


The official languages of Canada are English and French.


Canada has ten provinces and three territories.


Basketball was invented in Canada.


In 1841, Canada invented the first paper from wood pulp


Canada – is the one of the leading manufacturers of cheese on the planet. Canadians produce about 350 tons of cheese per year. But residents of Canada and love to eat it. Every Canadian, on average eats 10 kg of cheese per year.


In Canada were invented many useful for mankind things. Canadians invented the electron microscope, electric organ, insulin, kerosene, electric stove and a snowmobile.


In Canada there is one of the world famous waterfalls Niagara Falls.


Canadians are very fond of animals. Almost every family has a pet.

Canada is a great place to live, but Ukraine is above all!

Пісня Little mix Little me”


Відео “Australia”


Виступ учнів (Презентація “Australia”)



It is the 6th largest country in the world, occupying an entire continent.


Over 200 different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia. The most common non-English spoken languages are Italian, Greek, Cantonese, Arabic, Vietnamese and Mandarin.


The capital of Australia – Canberra. Canberra’s population – 300,000 people.


Canberra was selected as the capital because Sydney and Melbourne could not stop arguing which city should be the capital of Australia.


Ugg boots or as local call them 'very ugly boots' are an Australian design where a sheepskin has been turned inside out and made into a boot.


Australia has over 700 different species of reptiles.


Most of Australia's exotic flora and fauna cannot be found anywhere else in the world.


The Australian Eucalyptus is the fastest growing tree in the world.


The cleanest air in the world – in Tasmania, one of the areas of the Australian continent.


 Most Australian cities are located near the ocean or beach. Beaches can be found here every 1000 km.


Australia is wonderful, but Ukraine is the most beautiful in the world!


Відео “Ukraine invites”


Виступ учнів (Презентація “Ukraine”)



Ukraine is the largest country which entirely located in Europe.


Ukraine has a very rich history. Its capital – Kiev was the center of the ancient state – Kievan Rus.


The geographical center of Europe is in Ukraine. In the west of the country, between Uzhhorod and Rakhiv the sign «Geographical center of Europe».


World’s first constitution was designed by Cossack hetman Pylyp Orlyk in 1710.


The shortest main street of the capital in Europe is – Khreshchatyk in Kiev. Its length is 1225 meters.


About Emblem: Historically, the territory of Ukraine is constantly crushed by parts of neighboring states. Ukrainians have always fought for their land and their freedom. Although by nature Ukrainian people are very peace-loving, they are very good farmers. And so, there are always wanted only one thing – freedom, freedom for themselves and their lands.


Bright blue and yellow Ukrainian flag symbolizes the blue sky and the endless fields of wheat and sunflowers.


Ukrainian is the second most melodic language in the world after Italian.


Ukraine – a major producer of grain.


Very beautiful women lives in Ukraine.


Ukraine has the largest cargo aircraft in the world. The giant’s name is An-225 «Mriya», which means «dream».


The longest mountain trolleybus route in the world is located in the south of Ukraine in Crimea . Trolleybus rides on a mountain road 86 kilometers from the city of Simferopol to Yalta.


The station «Arsenalna» in Kyiv metro is the deepest in the world (105 meters).


The third most visited McDonald’s in the world is located in Kiev, near the train station.


One of the world’s most famous Christmas songs – «Shchedryk» – a Ukrainian folk song, recorded by Nikolai Leontovich in 1916. The world it is known as «Carol of the bells» or «Ring Christmas bells».


Пісня “Щедрик” – аудіофрагмент

Ukraine has the longest musical instrument in the World – «Trembita». «Trembita» – is a wind instrument. The length of it about 4 meters and a diameter is about 3 cm.

Ukraine is a 4th educated nation in the world.


Ukraine was a motherland for one of the world's most ancient civilizations Trypillian Civilization.


Ukrainian brothers Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko have both held world heavyweight boxing titles.


An average Ukrainian eats only 18 kg of pork a year. This is three times less than a typical German eats.


Ukraine is the best in the whole world!


Пісня Катя Бужинська «Україна це ми»


Заключне слово

- I hope you saw a lot of interesting about different countries? But you know now, that Ukraine – is the best in the world, because of its beauty, history, people and culture, because it is our Motherland. And we proud of Ukraine, we proud to be Ukrainians! Thank you for your attention. 

Категорія: Around the world - 7th form | Додав: irnarenko
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